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HomeHubs & Community Centers
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Hubs & Community Centers

The National Hub:

Tennessee State University

TSU will serve as the National Hub for training educators and preparing students by providing multiple pathways and opportunities to acquire essential digital literacies and technological new skills of coding and creativity

  • Operates program nationally
  • Cultivates C2 Community of Practice
  • Delivers Professional learning
  • Connects Partners to Key Resources


To learn more about HBCU C2 National Hub, Tennessee State University, please visit

Regional Hubs

Regional Hubs serve as the training grounds for educators and preparing students by providing multiple pathways and opportunities to acquire essential digital literacies and technological new skills of coding and creativity

  • Build program capacity and scale for C2 nationally
  • Create academic pathways and demonstrate a commitment to C2 programming
  • Serve as regional and community leader and advocate and for coding and creativity learning experiences for untapped populations
  • Build the IT pipeline while serving as both a virtual and face-to-face training center for the Apple Consultants Network Training Institute Program for your region

Community Centers

Serve as community leaders and advocate and for coding and creativity learning experiences for underserved and untapped populations.

  • Build program capacity and scale for C2
  • Create academic pathways and demonstrate a commitment to C2 programming
HBCU C2 is an AA/EEO employer.
Tennessee State University is an AA/EEO employer.